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Refound Pro
Refound Pro

Session Four: Reflection with Ren

This Week’s Focus

This week, we're excited to dive into the theme of authority and the value of reflection. You'll discover your unique leader type, which will serve as a foundation for your personal growth. Plus, we'll share some tips on using Ren to reflect on your team's wins, challenges, and your collective growth journey.

Live Session

We'll begin by exploring the Fixer, Fighter, and Friend leader types, exploring the unique strengths and challenges each one encounters. Afterward, you'll have the chance to reflect on how your authority manifests within your team. We'll also show you how Ren can support you with regular reflection. Once we complete the hands-on exercise, we'll take some time to debrief together, addressing any questions or challenges that came up.


We've curated a selection of resources to support your transformative journey. These materials have been chosen to provide you with the foundational knowledge necessary to fully embrace and embody the core principles of Refound.

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Fixer, Fighter, Friend Quiz

As we’ve worked with thousands of leaders at Refound, we’ve found that people tend to fall into one of three types of leader: Fixer, Fighter, or Friend. Recognizing the strengths and weaknesses of each type provides a foundation for your personal growth. Take this short quiz to see which leader type you are!


Good Authority

Good Authority is the difference between a people leader and a manager. Rather than trying to get results through micromanagement and control, a people leader gets results through human conversations about growth and ownership.


Having watched the provided resources, it's time to apply your newfound knowledge through Ren. Prepare to engage in meaningful conversations that will allow you to internalize and embody the principles you've learned.

Reflection | Feedback from your team.

Becoming a Good Authority entails actively engaging with your direct reports, managers, and peers. You need to understand how people are experiencing your authority—and that means asking a variety of folks for feedback. After gathering feedback from three colleagues, share their insights with Ren and engage in reflection to enhance your leadership journey.

Action | Reflect and update your Growth Edge.

It’s time to review your Growth Edge. Ren has tailored a unique Growth Edge based on your initial onboarding responses. Check the "My Growth" page to verify the accuracy of your answers. If you need to make updates, simply edit your responses and hit save. Remember to regenerate Ren’s Growth Edge after making any changes.
To begin this exercise:
Log in to Ren and open the My Growth page
Navigate to the “Growth Edge” section
Click on each of the tabs and edit your responses, if needed
Style: This is how your team views your leadership style
Goals: These are your goals for how you want to grow as a leader
Challenges: These are the current challenges you are facing
Priorities: These are your top priorities over the next three months
Remember, if you edit any of your responses, navigate to “Growth Edge” and click re-generate


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© Refound, Inc. Last Updated: April 2024
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