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Refound Pro
Refound Pro

Session Two: Feedback with Ren

This Week’s Focus

This week, our focus shifts to the pivotal role of feedback. You'll be introduced to a tool—the Accountability Dial—which is designed to navigate you through difficult discussions, particularly those involving feedback. With Ren's guidance, you'll find yourself becoming increasingly equipped and confident for these important conversations.

Live Session

We'll start by addressing the challenging conversations that are part of your everyday interactions, introducing a key framework from Refound to enhance accountability. Next, with Ren's help, you'll apply this framework to prepare for a previously identified challenging conversation. Afterward, we'll gather for a debriefing session, offering a chance to reflect, address any questions, and discuss challenges you've faced, ensuring you're equipped to navigate these discussions with greater ease.


We've curated a selection of resources to support your transformative journey. These materials have been chosen to provide you with the foundational knowledge necessary to fully embrace and embody the core principles of Refound.

Good Accountability

Good Accountability is nothing more than the upholding of a goal—whether that is a personal New Year’s resolution or a friendly reminder about the upcoming meeting a team member agreed to run.

The Accountability Dial

The Accountability Dial simplifies the challenging aspects of leadership. It transforms giving feedback into a motivating and encouraging process, making it less intimidating and more effective.


Having completed the provided resources, it's time to apply your newfound knowledge through Ren. Prepare to engage in meaningful conversations that will allow you to internalize and embody the principles you've learned.

Reflection | How do you hold your team accountable?

Using Ren, reflect on how you are giving and receiving feedback today. Once you understand how you give and receive feedback, you’ll know where the areas of growth are—maybe you should be intervening sooner, for example, or maybe you aren’t effectively communicating expectations to a team member.

Conversation | Practice the mention.

Accountability often hinges on the finer details, including your tone of voice, the environment, and your approach, all of which can greatly affect the outcome. Therefore, it is essential to refine these details through practice, which you will accomplish through this conversation.

Conversation | Ask Ren for guidance on using the Accountability Dial.

This exercise is your opportunity to learn how to effectively apply the Accountability Dial to tackle your team challenges. Share a current issue with Ren, and Ren will guide you through the steps of addressing it using this framework.


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We’re here to support you every step of the way. Contact us by email

© Refound, Inc. Last Updated: April 2024

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